About Alex Podgurski
Alex Podgurski is a marketing expert and budding serial entrepreneur currently based out of Puerto Rico. Throughout his expansive career in marketing, Alex has founded numerous companies and gained valuable knowledge in business. He’s spent many years honing his talent and learning as much as possible about the industry, which he finds exciting for its constantly changing landscape. In his field, Alex specializes in direct response and cost-per-acquisition models.
Alex Podgurski has been transfixed by digital marketing from an early age when he started teaching himself programming. He went on to write his own computer games and started focusing on web-design as well. Eventually, Alex founded several companies focused on digital marketing, and his most recent venture, APR Media, was founded when he moved from San Diego to Puerto Rico.
Much like any other successful entrepreneur, Alex Podgurski has come into his fair share of failures throughout his career. Unlike most, Alex embraces those moments of failure because he knows there are better opportunities waiting for him. Being able to reflect on the experience and identify what went wrong is a valuable learning experience for him and allows him to do even better next time when working toward success.
Having worked in direct response marketing for over 16 years, Alex Podgurski has established himself as an industry leader by vertically integrating several facets of business. His companies over the years have included a call center specializing in customer support and retention, a fulfillment warehouse from which products are distributed, and additionally a digital media house specializing in marketing health and beauty products.
Alex Podgurski has worked in the digital marketing space for most of his life, which has led to him learning to adapt to the rapidly changing pace of the landscape. Understanding that the digital marketing space is a transformative one, Alex has tried to maintain a pulse on the industry by staying up-to-date with the latest trends and research. Staying one step ahead of his competition is of utmost importance when it comes to achieving success and helps an entrepreneur like Alex stand out.
Today, as the founder of APR Media, Alex Podgurski hopes to continue to learn and grow in the digital marketing world. For many years, Alex has found that some of the best ideas come from simply networking with friends. Being able to introduce great business into the digital age has been beyond rewarding for Alex. Moving forward, he believes that leveraging push notifications and establishing a few new branded products is at the top of his to-do list this year.